Wine Industry Search Engine Visibility Report

  ●   October 30, 2019 | Blog, SEO
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October 30, 2019 | Blog, SEO

The world of organic search has seen considerable change over the past year. Whether the updates are major or minor they can significantly impact the search engine results pages (SERPs) and the visibility metrics for websites. As an agency focused on helping our clients navigate this ever-changing landscape, we wanted to review the effect of recent changes in organic visibility across a variety of industries.

Over the past year, Google has introduced a number of core algorithm updates and has rolled out its mobile-first index, creating a new set of challenges for any website hoping to compete in the SERPs. The objective of our research was to measure the impact of these changes on the online wine retail category and to identify the websites that are performing well in this space.

Our research identified:

  • The two retailers dominating the online wine industry;
  • The best-performing supermarket and publisher in terms of visibility online; and
  • The content type most likely to win a rich snippet in wine-related search results.

Click here to download the full report.

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