Semetrical Tough Mudder Fundraiser for British Red Cross

  ●   April 7, 2022 | Blog
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April 7, 2022 | Blog

On Saturday 2nd April 2022, some of our bravest team members took to Finsbury Park to complete a 5K Tough Mudder. Not only did this obstacle course serve as a physical challenge but a fantastic team-building experience for our teams and a chance to put our cooperation skills to the test. After all, we are great at collaborative digital marketing strategies, so why should plunging into an ice bath or dashing through 10,000 volts of electricity be any different? 

And, of course, all of this was for a good cause. We are proud to announce that we have fundraised over £700 (and counting) in support of the British Red Cross, a charity dedicated to helping people in crisis due to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies. 

The British Red Cross are currently doing some incredible work, supporting those with no safe place to live in Ukraine. Our donations will go towards providing food, water, first aid, medicine, warm clothes and shelter for those in crisis.

  • Just £10 could provide a hygiene kit for a family of five to last one month.
  • £20 provides five blankets to help families keep warm.
  • £30 provides 3,600 chlorine tablets to ensure everyone has access to safe drinking water.
  • £100 provides 66 sleeping mats for those without a place to call home.
  • £210 provides a full first aid kit to treat the wounded.

We hope our donation will make a difference, and we encourage others to make a contribution if they are able. Donate here or visit The British Red Cross to find out more about the cause.

Here are some of the events from the day:

A helping hand for Hope climbing Everest.
Another view of Everest. Think you’ve got what it takes?
Arctic Enema anyone? It’s as bad as it sounds.
The Mudderhorn: 3 stories high, but a great view.
A 9-foot hero wall is deceptively challenging, especially when you’re 5-foot tall.
Crossing the finish line as a team 💪

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