AI and Digital PR: What are the Pros and Cons?

  ●   May 23, 2024 | PR
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May 23, 2024 | PR

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are continually seeking innovative ways to engage their audience, shape public perception, and stay ahead of the competition. One technology that has been a game-changer across industries is Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

While AI’s influence on various sectors is undeniable, its impact on Digital PR is multifaceted. It has the potential to streamline and enhance numerous aspects of Digital PR, but along with its advantages come certain limitations and challenges to consider. Here at Semetrical, we use AI tools to not only assist with planning and task management, but also to help with client ideation and research. 

What we’re going to cover in this article: 

Understanding AI and its role in Digital PR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems and it involves learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. In the context of Digital PR, AI can streamline the management of sheer amounts of data, automate repetitive tasks, and provide insightful predictions and recommendations.

AI in Digital PR should not be about replacing the human element but enhancing it. It empowers Digital PR professionals to make data-based decisions, create targeted campaigns, and foster dynamic relationships with various stakeholders, all with increased efficiency and precision.

Exploring specific AI tools for Digital PR


The launch of ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, is a game-changer for Digital PR professionals. It streamlines desk research by processing vast amounts of data, extracting crucial insights, and suggesting relevant ideas. As a result, it boosts creative ideation, making PR campaigns more effective and efficient.


Buzzsumo is a great tool for PR’s which aids in content research and monitoring, providing insights into the most shared content and influential authors in a specific industry or for a particular topic.

The platform has recently launched an AI powered media database, which automatically updates as journalists change their outlets and what they’re covering. On top of this, Buzzsumo also has a feature which allows its users to create pitch templates through AI.


Task management is essential for Digital PRs, especially those working on large campaigns or across a wide variety of clients. has launched a new service that uses AI to increase productivity and improve workflow.’s AI helps to generate ideas and content, aids in re–phrasing content, composes emails, summarises batches of information, and can even write formulas. 


This tool offers personality insights of journalists that you may be targeting to help improve communication, which can be useful in understanding journalists’ preferences and customising pitches.

Pros of AI for Digital PR


AI can process and analyse vast pools of data far more rapidly and accurately than humans. It helps in uncovering patterns and trends, identifying influencers, tracking competitors, and monitoring brand reputation. This ability significantly enhances the quality of research, enabling PR practitioners to create more strategic and targeted campaigns.


You can gain in-depth insights into media trends and journalists’ interests through using AI, helping PR professionals pitch stories more effectively. AI can analyse previous articles, social media posts, and engagement metrics to determine what type of content a journalist prefers, improving the chances of a successful pitch.


AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks like data collection, tracking media mentions, and scheduling posts. This automation frees up time for PR professionals to focus on strategic planning, content creation, relationship building, and other high-level tasks.

Cons of AI for Digital PR

Lack of authenticity 

While AI can automate many PR tasks, it lacks the personal touch and emotional intelligence of human communication. Relationships are at the heart of PR, and AI may struggle to replicate authentic human interactions, potentially resulting in less impactful communication.

Risk of misinformation

AI tools are only as good as the data they’re given, incorrect or biassed data can lead to misinformation, which could damage a brand’s reputation. The spread of ‘deepfakes’, manipulated media created using AI, also poses a threat.


The use of AI raises ethical questions, such as invasion of privacy and lack of transparency. For example, if AI tools are used to analyse journalists’ social media, the line between useful insight and invasion of privacy can be blurred.

Navigating the ethical implications of AI 

As Digital PR professionals, our work revolves around building relationships, fostering trust, and preserving authenticity. These objectives require a careful, ethical approach, particularly when leveraging AI tools.

At the forefront of these ethical considerations is the concern of data privacy. AI tools often utilise a wealth of data, including personal information, to analyse trends and provide insights. While this data proves invaluable for targeted campaigns, it also raises challenges with regards to data acquisition and usage. 

Furthermore, AI systems are designed by humans and therefore can unintentionally perpetuate human biases. If AI tools are used to analyse sentiment or manage relationships without an awareness of these potential biases, it could lead to skewed data and insights, negatively impacting Digital PR campaigns.

As AI evolves and its use in Digital PR expands, ethical guidelines will need to evolve in tandem. PR professionals must stay updated on these ethical trends, and regulatory bodies will need to establish clear guidelines to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.

For companies who are looking to implement AI tools and technologies across the business, it’s essential to implement company guidelines around the use of AI to ensure that all staff members are complying with rules and regulations. 

What’s next? 

Looking ahead, AI is expected to become even more integral to Digital PR. Advances in natural language processing could further enhance content creation and analysis and predictive analytics might offer even more accurate insights into media trends and consumer behaviour. 

However, as AI evolves, ensuring its ethical application and maintaining authenticity in communication will remain paramount.

Are you wondering how to take your brand’s Digital PR to the next level? Check out our Digital PR services to find out how we can help you or get in touch for more information. 

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